This workshop will provide you with the knowledge you need to make your research data FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) using various services and tools. In particular, you will learn how to work with the data sharing and storage tool Research Drive, or also with Yoda, an integral support tool for the whole data life cycle.
Introduction to Data Management, Research Drive and Yoda
Every 3 months
Maithili Kalamkar-Stam
Jorik van Kemenade
Narges Zarrabi
Claudio Cacciari

What will you learn?
Nowadays, this is a complicated task because of the heterogeneity of information and the requirements to share certain data with specific groups of people. After this training, you will be a lot more agile in managing your data!
For whom
Anyone who wants to learn to store research data in an efficient and scalable way.
Participation is free of charge
The language of instruction is English
Do you want to participate?
In our agenda you can see all the upcomping trainings and events