Would you like to learn how to parallelize effectively with MPI and OpenMP and get to know some tricks from the experts?
This advanced MPI/OpenMP course describes different everyday challenges that developers of parallel code have to face in everyday work, and provides working solutions for them. Here you will see how to deal with parallel profiling and explore the knobs and dials that make your code exploit the best possible performance, just like domain decomposition techniques and parallel I/O. Each of these sessions includes hands-on exercises to facilitate the understanding of the different constructs. Moreover, you will also obtain some insight on useful parallel libraries and routines for scientific code development.
In this course you will:
Everyone interested in learning how to make efficient use of MPI and OpenMP for different scientific applications
Your own laptop with an up-to-date browser and a terminal emulator. The use of the operating systems Linux and macOS is preferred, but not mandatory. For Windows users we recommend to download MobaXterm (portable version) as terminal emulator.
Part of the materials from this course are kindly provided by the collaboration between PRACE and HLRS.
If you are not familiar with MPI/OpenMP, you may get the necessary knowledge right on time in the basic course.